SHIFT838 Unicorn

  • Out of Stock

Introducing the 838 Unicorn PCB, a must-have accessory for the 99/22.  This is the GROM simulator PCB that has been redesigned to a smaller footprint and allows the board to be directly plugged into the Unicorn port (header J4) vertically.  This new design allows for the 838-Unicorn board to sit directly over the 99/22 mainboard.  This board gives no added functionality from the original, it is just a design change.

This is only the blank PCB; options can be added when adding to cart.

Please be aware if choosing to assemble you will need the board programmed with one of the GROM loads offered.  If anything, other than Standard TI GROMs is programmed to the Unicorn then the 99/22 will require the additional EPROM that can be added to the package, or you can program one yourself. 

If you want to run extended basic from the onboard cartridge EPROM then the GROMS required with be the Extended Basic version you want.  The EPROM must match the GROMs loaded, or it will not work.  This design using the Unicorn seems to if using the onboard cartridge ROM then the grom port does not work.

Also note that the current Unicorn board uses the exact same code as Dan's unicorn board, it is just a smaller footprint and designed to site over the mainboard.  Also be aware the current code does not allow functionality for a FinalGrom.  To get a FinalGrom to work on the 99/22 you must use original TI GROM chips and the FinalGrom must have the QI patched firmware.

Please select appropriately.

SHIFT838 personally recommends using real TI GROMs!

  • Availability: Out of Stock
  • Model: 838-UNICORN
  • Brand: 838 Designs